Finnish acts take stages at Dranouter Festival's Nordic focus

Suistamon Sähkö (pictured) and Pekko Käppi & K:H:H:L will take the stages at the sold out Dranouter Festival in Belgium. Read further and get to know these excellent bands!

This weekend, two Finnish acts, Suistamon Sähkö and Pekko Käppi & K:H:H:L, will perform at the Dranouter Festival in Belgium. Celebrating its 50th anniversary, Dranouter is a festival with a rich tradition and a long history as a platform for folk and roots music. The multi-day event presents a musical mix of contemporary pop and rock going hand in hand with the best folk and roots music across four different stages.

This year, the festival is collaborating with Nordic countries, showcasing Nordic Focus artists from Finland, Denmark, Sweden, and Norway. The Nordic Focus at Dranouter is a successful output of ongoing collaboration between the Nordic Music Export offices.

Suistamon Sähkö

Helsinki-based techno folk quartet Suistamon Sähkö favours a boisterous rave atmosphere with synthesizer buzz and feisty rapping – along with a Soviet-made accordion – and is known to make the audience move and the floor shake. The Suistamon Sähkö rhythm universe is a rambunctious mix of primitive primordial forces and experimental dance music. Click here to read our Spotlight article on Suistamon Sähkö.

Showtime: Friday August 2, 18:45 – 19:45 at Cirque

Watch Suistamon Sähkö's Tiny Desk concert by GlobalFest and NPR:

Follow Suistamon Sähkö:

Suistamon Sähkö official site
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Suistamon Sähkö on YouTube

Pekko Käppi & K:H:H:L

The rough and stripped-down performances of jouhikko player and songwriter Pekko Käppi and his power trio K:H:H:L have captivated audiences both in Finland and on international stages across Europe and beyond. Finnish voodoo, swamp blues grooves, and hard rock riffs, polyrhythmic psychedelic incantations, and shamanistic interventions with jouhikko (the Finnish bowed lyre) resonate in his music. Click here to read our Spotlight article on Suistamon Sähkö.

Watch Pekko Käppi & K:H:H:L's performance from Brosella Festival:

Follow Pekko Käppi:

Pekko Käppi official site
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Pekko Käppi on Facebook