Finnish music export was worth 42.8 million in 2014

New research shows that Finnish music export is growing and especially live music is going strong.
Between 2012-2013, Finnish music exports grew 13%. In 2013-2014, growth was 6%. The field of live music has experienced the strongest growth, doubling in worth over the last decade and growth in the last year reaching 10%.
The research delved into the business of music in five different categories: live music, recording sales, copyright royalties, other export income as well as other products and services. The last category consists of instruments, software, apps and technology.
All categories experienced significant growth between 2013 and 2014.
The report shows an increasingly mature industry making significant international inroads. Finnish music exports are no longer dependent on a few outstanding performers and success stories are found in all categories from live music to songwriting and apps to internet services.
The next wave of growth is expected to come from digital services, with a ten-fold increase realistically possible for 2015.
Songwriting is another area in export where high growth is expected, with the international networks of Finnish publishers, songwriters and producers expanding rapidly.
Music export in millions from 1999 to 2014.
The data for the research was collected by Music Finland and the report was compiled by Jari Muikku (Digital Media Finland). Read the whole research in Finnish here.