Risto Ylihärsilä receives the Teosto Prize

This year the prestigious Teosto Prize goes to Risto Ylihärsilä, for his compositions and lyrics on his band Risto’s album II. The winner was announced today at Musiikkitalo in Helsinki.
”Risto Ylihärsilä creates sincere and original music. He expresses something authentic and touching with his compositions and lyrics, the award jury said. ”We considered that Risto’s works complies with the Teosto Prize criteria, which are courageousness, originality and innovation.
The award jury consisted of Saku Mantere (Chairman of the board of the University of the Arts), Lauri Kivinen (Executive Director of Yleisradio) and Anna Eriksson (last year’s Teosto Prize winner). The winner is given 25 000 euros. Teosto Prize was given for the 11th time this year.
The nominees for this year’s Teosto Prize were:
- Antti Auvinen: Orior
- Dalindèo: Kallio
- Haloo Helsinki!: Maailma on tehty meitä varten
- Juuri & Juuri: Pelimannit / Hiljainen Haltioituminen
- J. Karjalainen: Et ole yksin
- Oddarrang: In Cinema
- Risto: II