YL Male Voice Choir celebrates 130th anniversary

Finland’s best known male choir, YL Male Voice Choir (in Finnish: Ylioppilaskunnan Laulajat) celebrates 130th anniversary this year. The choir is well known around the world, and a Finnish pioneer in the field of male voice choral music.
The anniversary will be celebrated with a concert tour, an extensive recording project and a book of sheet music – all in connection with Toivo Kuula (1883-1918), composer well liked for his choral repertoire and sharing the 130th anniversary with YL.
YL’s album of Toivo Kuula’s male choir music, titled in Finnish Nuku virta helmassa meren, was released on 5 April by Finlandia Records (Warner Music). The recording includes all of Toivo Kuula’s songs for male choir.
The anniversary concert will take place in Helsinki’s Musiikkitalo on 6 April with the choir’s director Pasi Hyökki, new choral works and guest artists. The concert tour will continue in Helsinki, Vaasa and Seinäjoki on 12–14 April with Toivo Kuula’s music.